We're Coming For You, You, You (You, You, You) tempo=104 fade out=1:40-2:07 E->A could go fourths e->a->d->g->c->f We’re coming for you, you, you you violent scummies you mass murderers you neuron nasties you particle beamers You Kennedy killers You 9/11 nasties big-az liars particle beam schemers/violenters ya camunists cammies ya neuron not-sees torturing touchholes partical molestors thought policing voyeurs you antiscientists you antisexuals/pleasurists/antisexualits/pleasuruists/anatomistgs you violent voyeurs you camera crappies You crooked coppers- thought writing orwells//You murdering majors- military murderers-/gulag fillers/You killing captains- You muscle moving murderers You laser losers- You mass murdering media nanothermitic nazis//nasties phone company phonies antidemocratic fascists/dummies nanocamera nasties/9/11 liars oswald photocroppers pentagon holers/exploders You laser louses muscle murderers time dilating liars/voyeurs single bullet theorists thane cesar protectors x-ray neuron writers secret robot hiders money thievers information stoppers/hiders secretist secreters with all the big ass secrets with all the big ass lies druggie jailers prostitute jailers psychiatric druggers in the mormon photo fiorini protectors market controllers neuron rapers King junior killers antiwomen a-holes (antiwomen rightsers) neuron dropouts violent dropouts notes ===== You camera-net criminals We’re coming for you, you, you you violent scummies mass murderers You neuron net nasties You crummy camrys You camera-net crappies You crooked coppers You murdering majors You killing captains You laser losers You laser beam louses You thought-net thugies You muscle moving murderers You killing coppers You mass murdering media Neuron net Nazis You Kennedy killers You 9/11 nasties/monsters/inside jobbers Controlled demolition controllas/creepers/crappers big-az liars particle beam schemers/violenters ya camunists cammies ya neuron not-sees