Particles of light have mass, all matter in the universe is particulate.
All matter is not made of light particles
It seems obvious that all matter is made of light particles, because, a simple example is how a candle emits light particles and then is made smaller in size, obviously the light particles were in the candle the entire time.
Matter and motion are routinely converted into each other- for example as described in the famous equations E=mc2, E=1/2mv2, p=mv, etc.
Simply said, it seems unlikely that matter and motion can turn into each other, or be exchanged. Thinking this, the concept of energy seems to be only a rough estimate of how matter and motion may be separately conserved. Conservation of energy is more accurately described as conservation of matter and conservation of motion. The concept of conservation of motion is not a concept that has been widely recognized.
"Elliptical" galaxies are not the product of evolution and natural selection of highly adapted organisms, but are just old galaxies or just a different kind of galaxy.
Elliptical galaxies are most likely the natural result of living objects and natural selection. There is a clear "evolution of galaxies" where nebulae form from light particles emitted by matter, they form spiral galaxies, living objects evolve on planets rotating around stars in the galaxy, colonize other stars consuming and converting matter into more ships, buildings, and organisms, forming star clusters, then large globular clusters with the galaxy, and finally form a "globular" galaxy which, just like a big fish in a hug ocean of space, moves around in search of smaller galaxies to consume and integrate with to survive longer.Just like fish, those galaxies that cannot find more matter ultimately dissipate into their source light particles.
The universe has a finite size and age
The universe is probably infinite in size and age. It's obvious that there must be many many more galaxies that are too far away for any light particles they emit to be going in our direction. When we build a bigger telescope and see more distant new galaxies will humans then proclaim that the universe just got bigger and older? Underestimating the size of the universe is a timeless classic of humans.
Doppler shift explains the "red" shift of galaxies
Figure 1. Image from Edwin Hubble's 1936 book "The Realm of the Nebulae" Figure 2. Image of a similar spectral line shift from a close and distant flourescent lamp.
The theory that the shifting of lines of different galaxies is mostly the result of a Doppler shift originates from Vesto Slipher in December 1912. The "shift" of the position (but not the actual frequency) of spectral lines from galaxies is probably the result of the Schuster-Bragg equation together with the distance of the light source, in addition to the apparent size of the light source which "scales" the size of the spectrum. Look at the above spectra- is the red end not apparently blue shifted? That would mean that part of the galaxy is coming rapidly toward the observer.
The universe is expanding
The theory that the universe is expanding originates with George Gamow based on the Slipher theory that the majority of other galaxies are all speeding away from us. Given, what appears to be the truth, that much of the spectral line shifting is due to the simple n*lambda=2Dsin(theta) grating equation combined with the distance to light source, in addition to the apparent size of the light source, any claim that galaxies are moving away because of an expanding space seems inaccurate. Beyond this, for space to be expanding, more space must be created, and that seems unlikely and a violation of a conservation of space, matter and motion principle.
Beyond this, the theory of an expanding universe depends on non-Euclidean geometry which originated with Lobechevsky, and is an unlikely theory to describe the geometry of the space and time of the universe.
The background radiation is from the begining of time
The theory of the "background radiation" originates with two AT&T Bell Labs employees in 1964. Given the likely secret of nano and micrometer scale cameras and potential remote neuron reading and writing devices for government/military security-we can feel strongly that there is probably insider corruption in this and many other scientific claims of the 1800s-2100s. The background "radiation" can only be light particles from a light source near enough to us and may be simply a measure of average number of light particles per second. Most galaxies are too far away for even one particle of light they emit to be going in our direction.
Atomic fusion has never happened but we are struggling at great expense to make it possible using very massive Tokamaks- it is not routinely performed secretly in bulk.
Atomic fusion was made public in 1934 by Ernest Rutherford, and then in 1950 carbon ions were used in a particle accelerator to create larger atoms from smaller atoms. It seems very likely that there may be a machine where virtually any object can be input and water and other valuable molecules can be created as output. Atoms, like molecules, are cold-temperature and low-density objects that easily separate into their source light particles. The key to harnessing movement, is to get more light particles out of atoms than we need to put into them, and fission, or splitting atoms into their source light particles seems to be the best way to do that.
Only uranium and thorium can be split by neutrons.
Uranium can also be split by helium nuclei, and gamma frequency light particles. In 1950, Glenn Seaborg showed that even light atoms can be split (or "spallated") into smaller atoms from particle collision. This is more evidence that there is a secret bulk processing of common atoms into more useful atoms like Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, etc.
The theory of relativity is the most accurate theory of the universe
The time and space dilation and contraction aspect of the theory of relativity dates back to George FitzGerald's trying to save the aether after Michelson-Morley and is therefore inaccurate.
There are no light-weight robots that can run faster than humans, and are just as smart as a human that are being kept secret from the public.
It seems very likely that light-weight robots are a simple possibility given the idea of an artificial muscle. Ampere's work on the early 1800s shows that electromagnetism can cause mechanical motion. Given years of synthetic rubber and other polymer research - it seems very likely that very efficient muscles that simply contract with an electrical potential - even superior to the mammal muscle were developed early on - perhaps in the 1800s. Given the truth about remote neuron reading and writing - and evidence that this secret is comparatively old (200+ years) - it seems very likely that there are running robots that can actually understand more from an image of a typical scene than any human, and then understand more faster than any human. Probably these are being kept secret, but clearly this will be public soon. It seems a certainty that much of remote neuron writing is done by machines with humans only doing high-level supervising of smart remote neuron writing programs (like the "prevent this woman or man from ever dating or mating" neuron writing program).
A wireless camera cannot be invisible.
Clearly wireless cameras can be microscopic. An object does not have to be very small to escape being seen by the human eye - an object 1um is more than small enough to escape visual detection. Already there are publicly nano-meter-sized wireless transmitters and receivers.
A wireless camera cannot fly around.
Nano-meter scale devices are already public that have motors - clearly a small device floating on air would not need a large force to propel itself around given light particle wireless instructions, powered by ambient light particles.
Anti-matter is the opposite of matter.
Antimatter can only be made of light particles and is most likely only electrically opposite other material particles, and in this sense should be more accurately called "electrical opposite" particle. When antiprotons and protons collide all matter from both particles is, of course, still conserved and is emitted as the original light particles each particle is made of.
Quarks are the fundamental particles of matter.
It seems more likely that light particles are the fundamental particles of matter (and perhaps even light particles are made of smaller particles into an infinitely of the small, just as globular galaxies made by a tiny part of some larger material object). Particles that only exist for tiny fractions of a second, seem like just a passing accumulation of light particles- there are probably millions of ways that composite matter quickly separates into light particles.
Globular clusters are not made by living objects like we, not the product of natural selection of highly adapted organisms, and collecting stars to make a cluster is not our future, but instead globular clusters are generation 2 stars that wander out of spiral galaxies.
When we realize that we will build cities on the moon, Mars, moons of Jupiter and ultimately probably will consume all the matter of this star system- converting it into ships, food, fuel, more of us- it seems obvious that star clusters are probably made by well adapted organisms, just like we, but much farther along on the timeline of science and technology- organisms, like we, who convert matter around us into more of us, ships, fuel, food, etc.
Black holes exist
Any theory related to time-dilation and/or non-euclidean geometry is very unlikely.
The attack of 9/11/2001 was done by 19 Arab hijackers.
Associated Press
Fox Television
USA Today
(most of) the Democratic Political Party
the Republican Political Party
(most of) the United Nations representatives
The attack of 09/11/2001 was not done by 19 hijackers, the WTC buildings were hit by 2 US military planes, and brought down in a controlled demolition, with the knowledge and approval of then US President George Bush and thousands of other humans.
Evidence for:
1) All 3 WTC Buildings fall at free fall speed- an impossibility for steel frame buildings damaged near the top by a plane (without explosives).
2) Nano-thermitic chips found in dust of WTC
3) Photo of hole in Pentagon clearly shows that hole is far too small for a 757
4) Plumes of smoke from WTC during collapse
5) Molten metal at base of WTC for weeks as shown by NASA satellite images
6) wounds of basement worker Philip David and testimony of William Rodriguez.
The attack of 07/07/2003 was done by a few Arab people.
Associated Press
Fox Television
USA Today
The attack of 07/07/2003 was a controlled explosion carried out by humans in the government of Great Britain with the knowledge and approval of Prime MInister Tony Blair.
John F. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Associated Press
Fox Television
USA Today
(most of) the Democratic Political Party
the Republican Political Party
(most of) the United Nations representatives
John F. Kennedy was killed by Frank Fiorini Sturgis.
Evidence for:
1) Mary Mormon photo shows 3 people behind picket fence at moment of fatal shot. One person in a police uniform (Frank Sturgis/CIA), another in a railroad hat (E. Howard Hunt/CIA), and another with an 8mm movie camera (Gordon Arnold/USA Military)
2) Zapruter film shows JFK clearly shot from front - brain matter is projected backwards and captures image of moving head
3) Most witnesses run to the picket fence
4) Marita Lorentz testimony against Frank Fiorini.
5) Falsified autopsy x-ray and drawn photos
6) Warren Commision contains Alan Dulles - a person who was fired by JFK
7) George H. W. Bush's link to E. Howard Hunt as supervisor of Hunt, and Florida CIA operations.
8) Photo of Oswald with rifle has clearly been changed.
Ted Huntington
Robert F. Kennedy was killed by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.
Associated Press
Fox Television
USA Today
(most of) the Democratic Political Party
the Republican Political Party
(most of) the United Nations representatives
Robert F. Kennedy was killed by Thane Eugene Cesar.
Evidence for:
1) coroner Thomas Noguchi autopsy - powder burns indicate murder weapon only 1-3 inches away
2) witness maitre de Karl Eucker - Sirhan's gun never got more than 3 feet from RFK and was in front of RFK
3) witness Don Shulman "The guard fired back"
Ted Charach
Ted Huntington
Sometimes violence against non-violent people is acceptable.
Violence against non-violent people is never acceptable.
People of earth should not have a full and constant democracy where everybody can vote directly on all government decisions.
People of earth should have a full and constant democracy where everybody can vote directly on all government decisions.
Against complete freedom of all information: People should be fined and/or jailed for information they own or distribute.
For complete freedom of all information: People should not be fined and/or jailed for information they own or distribute.
Psychiatric health care does not need to be consentual.
Psychiatric health care needs to be consentual.
People who do prostitution (pleasure for money) should be locked in jail.
People who do prostitution (pleasure for money) should not be locked in jail.
People who use drugs should be locked in jail.
People who use drugs should not be locked in jail.
People should not be allowed to quit a military job.
People should be allowed to quit a military job.
Humans cannot do neuron reading and writing - that is, cannot see, hear and send images and sounds to and from brains, remotely move muscles, and see windows in front of their eyes.
Associated Press
Fox Television
USA Today
Humans have figured out how to do neuron reading and writing - that is, a number of humans build, deploy and routinely use devices which can see, hear and send images and sounds to and from brains, remotely move muscles, and do see windows in front of their eyes. The controllers, probably at least AT&T/Bell among others, of the many millions of nano-meter sized neuron reading and writing devices which may operate using light particles in heat frequencies emitted and absorbed by bodies, have not yet announced and demonstrated the truth of neuron reading and writing to the public because of the immense advantage seeing, hearing and sending thought and remote muscle movement gives to them, in addition to the tremendous wealth they feel monopolizing this technology gives them.
Evidence for:
1) Kamitani, et al, 12/10/2008 published images showing that images the brain sees can clearly be seen using fMRI, and revealed that they can distinguish between different syllables in thought-audio.
2) In 1791 Luigi Galvani reported neuron writing - making a frog leg muscle contract by using a remote spark and holding a metal scalpal to the frog leg nerve.
3) The magazine "Electrical Experimenter" has an image of and the words "The Thought Recorder" on the cover of its May 1909 issue - publisher Hugo Gernsback will include a recording of thought-audio in one of the earliest science fiction stories "Ralph 124C41+".
4) "The Thought Hearing Machine", by Andre Maurois published in 1937 tells all about how a person invents a tiny machine that can record the sounds of thought.
God or Gods control universe
God theory is wrong and/or unimportant
Evidence for:
1) Before monotheism (belief in a single god), polytheism (belief in more than one gods) was the only religion - so if rejecting all the earlier gods (Apollo, Aphrodite, Bal, Poseidon, Horus, Inana, Ptach, Zeus, etc) why not reject the theory of any gods?
2) The concept of a Devil and Hell only dates back to 700 BCE, and so is a relatively recent human invention.
Jesus was 1/3 of a god, and brought dead people to life, etc.
If Jesus lived at all, he was only a human with no supernatural abilities.
Muhommed was a messenger of a god, etc.
Muhommed was only a human with no supernatural abilities.