The Ted Huntington Award - The Light Particle


The Ted Huntington Award, the Light Particle, is an award of money to individual people, and/or a group of people that made notable contributions to various important ideas. The awards are democratically voted on and are currently given only 1 time each year. The award amount distribution is determined by popular vote. Currently there are nearly 100 awards. Humans voting must be identified by image recognition, and location recognition (current location of body). You may change your votes at any time. Until 1 quarter of the total award amount yearly interest matches or exceeds $10,000 (100 $100 awards), awards will be recognized but there will be no money given. The other half of the interest amount must be stored in order to gain more interest for the awards. The final quarter will be used to maintain the business expenses (voting, web pages, licenses, ...), according to free market democratic prices, any money that remains will go into the principle amount. At 1% interest this would make the principle amount $2,000,000.

Current Total Award Amount: $100

The current award categories are:
1) Atheism, questioning/criticism of religion
a) Popularizing atheism, skepticism about religion, gods, devils, ghosts, angels, etc...
b) History

2) Democracy
a) Popularizing democracy
b) Democratic reform

3) Freedom of Information
a) Popularizing freedom of information
b) Ending Copyright
c) Ending Patent
d) Ending Trademark
e) Ending Privacy
f) Defense of unpopular images (sexual, violent, or unpopular images)
g) Exposing dishonesty/theft
h) History

4) Sexuality
a) Pornography/images of human nudity
1) Promoting, making images of nude humans
2) Defending, promoting nude images in public
b) Masturbation
c) Bisexuality
1) popularizing and/or defending
d) Prostitution
e) Public nudity, nude humans in public
f) Combatting antisexual hysteria
1) molestation/child pornography hysteria
g) History
h) Popularizing
i) Speaking out against marriage, monogomy, for responsible reproduction without marriage

5) Science
Science awards may grow to include:
1) Invention
2) Experiment/Uncovery/Finding
3) Popularizing
4) History

a) Astronomy
b) Biology/Genetics
c) Chemistry
d) Computer
e) Construction/Architecture
f) Electronic
g) Food/Culinary (Plant-based)
h) Health
i) Medicine/Drugs
j) Mechanical
k) Miscelleneous/Other (language, new contribution, new field)
l) Music
m) Physics
n) Robots
o) Science
p) Textiles/Clothing/Fabric
q) Exposing pseudoscience
r) Vehicles/Transportation/Ground/Air/Empty Space

6) History

7) Justice
a) Exposing that images and sounds can be sent and received from brains
b) Nonviolent out of prisons
c) Nonviolent out of hospitals
d) Ending Drug Arrests
e) Ending Antisexual Arrests
f) Exposing what happened to JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon, Nicole Simpson, Jam Master Jay ...popular people that were killed, and some level of injustice remains or person that killed never captured.

8) Stopping violence

9) Accurate descriptions of the future

10) Promoting race equality

11) Promoting female equality

12) Not enslaving, killing and/or eating other species/Veganism

[this is tentative:
13) Beauty
a) Female
1) overall
a) arab
b) asian
c) caucasian
d) mix
e) native american
f) negroid
2) Face
3) Breasts
4) Buttocks
5) Vagina
b) Male
1) overall
a) arab
b) asian
c) caucasian
d) mix
e) native american
f) negroid
2) Face
3) Torso
4) Buttocks
5) Penis
6) Scrotum

(Possible future awards: physical beauty (by gender, by race, by body part), athletic skill (by sport), voting against people/organizations)
(Possible future of voting for new awards, and on current awards.)

Voting page will look like this:
1) Atheism, questioning/criticism of religion
a) Popularizing atheism, skepticism about religion, gods, devils, ghosts, angels, etc...
Infidel Guy (20 votes)
Yahoo (15 votes)
Prometheus (8 votes)
Other [enter text here ]
Award percentage: 1% ($10,000) (350 votes) [enter percent here]%
b) History (312 votes)
James Haught (18 votes)
Helen Ellerbee (7 votes)
Prometheus (3 votes)
Other [enter text here ]
Award percentage: .7% ($7,000) [enter percent here]%
2) Democracy
a) Popularizing democracy
Robert McKay and Affiliated Entities, Prop 52, Same Day Voter Registration (120 votes) (84 votes) (53 votes) Center for Democracy and Technology (37 votes)
Other [enter text here ]
Award percentage: 1.5% ($15,000) (510 votes) [enter percent here]%
[Submit Vote]

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