Ted Huntington on the issues

Gun Control
Freedom of Information (Copyright, Patent, Privacy, Trademark)
Psychiatric Hospitals

1) I am for full democracy.
2) Recording constant votes from each citizen to submit new laws and on all existing laws.
3) Recording constant votes on every court decision.
4) These votes are to be constantly maintained and can be changed at any time during the life of each citizen.

1) Full legalization of all drugs, in particular recreational drugs, and use of drugs to painlessly end the life of a human that wants to die.
2) Release of all humans in jail on drug related crimes.

1) Tax paid free voluntary education from birth to age 18.
2) Class on history of science, evolution, probable future, and world history.

Gun Control
1) People can vote on the building and location of each and all nuclear weapons.
2) Humans that own property are allowed to forbid and remove guns from the volume of space they own, in addition to guns owned by people in police and military (ofcourse, that would probably require some form of weapon to enforce).

Freedom of Information (Copyright, Patent, Privacy, Trademark)
1) End all copyrights, patents, privacy, and trademarks.
2) No person may be jailed for owning, trading, selling, copying or buying of any image.
3) Cameras on every street, with the images available to the public
4) Public registry of violent offenders
5) All videos and audio tapes made before 1990 released to the public from every government agency, including military and police.
6) At least 1 camera and microphone in every government building with images and audio available to the public on the Internet.
7) All 911 calls made available to the public
8) All government records (military, police) at least 5 years old, with absolutely no exceptions, must be made digitally available for viewing and listening by the public.

1) Allow people to quit at any time.
2) People can refuse any order (although they may be fired)
3) No military law, only 1 national and planetary set of laws

1) Legal nudity on all public property, on television, in film, on the Internet, without any restrictions

1) Prisons should be separated by violent and nonviolent.
2) Sentences for violent crimes should be longer than sentences for nonviolent crime.

1) Full legalization of all forms of consentual prostitution.

Psychiatric Hospitals
1) Psychiatric hospitals converted to free voluntary housing.
2) People currently in psychiatric hospitals serving time for violent crimes moved to prisons, given democratically decided sentences.
3) People serving time in a hospital for nonviolent crimes will receive democratic trials, and those being stored for no crime against their will are to be allowed to leave.
4) Any evidence of tying humans to a bed or any object, with bodily movement restricted with any device is a violation of torture laws, those people found tied to beds and other objects must be freed, those caught are to be charged with torture.
5) Any evidence of drugging without consent, or with clear objection must be prosecuted as assaults, and druggings.

1) Humans must be allowed to believe and nonviolently practice religions of any kind.
2) No religious people or groups should be exempt from paying taxes.
3) Religion can legally be part of any government, but my vote is against any religion in government, or any part of life.

1) Stopping violence is my number 1 priority.
2) I want to reduce the number of homicides on planet earth by at least 10% in 2 years, and 50% in four years.
2) I want to reduce the number of assaults on planet earth by at least 10% in 2 years, and 50% in four years.
3) Cameras on all main streets, and all images must be available to the public in real-time.
4) Opening up public voting on the budgets, and priorities of people in police.