"Are living objects in globular clusters collecting other stars to consume, and should we be doing that too?"

by Ted Huntington
original: 03/23/2013
updated to: 03/23/2013

It may seem absurd at first, but our own likely future of star collecting seems inevitable, and so it would be no surprise if other, more evolved living objects around other stars have already perfected this large-scale "star retrieving" industry before we did. The current popular explanation of globular clusters as "second generation" stars(cite) seems doubtful, in particular because there is no gravity-only physics model that can reproduce the formation of globular clusters. We must accept that the law of natural selection is not exclusive to the surface of planet Earth, but extends to living objects of other stars and galaxies and is a universal principle; living objects need to consume matter to replace matter lost from decay. This theory is so obvious, what explains the mysterious silence from astronomers and other scientists? Seeing the obvious truth of this "eat or be eaten" theory that star clusters are made by living objects that send ships to bring back other stars, the next logical question is: are we going to be a star collector or a star that is collected?

At first it may seem like an absurd insinuation that living objects similar to we humans are living in globular clusters, going out to other stars and pulling them back into the cluster to utilize the matter within the stars, but yet when we examine the likelihood of this possibility for us and our future, it seems to be an almost inevitable truth. So if collecting stars is our hopeful future, it seems only logical to presume that other living objects like we are farther along in that inevitable goal.
(to be continued)