Description: 2020 is an interactive graphic adventure game.
for Linux:
update 02/29/2020: I got 2020 basically working on Ubuntu (Beaver) Linux, and uploaded to a github repository here: http://github.com/tedhuntington/2020
old broken versions:
Get "2020" For Linux! (2020.tar.gz)
Get "2020" For Linux! (2020.tar.bz2)
To install:
tar -xvzf 2020.tar.gz (or tar -xvjf 2020.tar.bz2)
cd 2020
make install
if the game stops and you get a seg fault error than try doing "make less". I had to make my own flood fill function and my function uses more stack space than in available in the default linux stack.
Get "2020" For DOS/Windows!
Play a game I spent 2 years making: "2020"
The game is free to copy! DOS/WIN PC.
Be sure to play in a full screen window by pressing alt-enter if the game starts in a window.
You will need to use a program like 'Power Archiver' or 'WinZip' from download.com to expand the 2020.zip file
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