1. I got sent a dream movie about a white supremecist shooter with a camera the day before a similar shooting happened in New Zealand. Beyond coincidental evidence of foreknowledge on the part of the dream movie creators and senders: http://tedhuntington.com/vlog/2019/03/14/ Note that I do not recognize the coincidence until vlog20190316-091201.flv. It should not be ruled out that those people who send these movie may be risking their lives in sending them.
2. I got sent a dream movie that included a 3-d character of a co-worker who died 3 or 4 days later: Pretty clear evidence of foreknowledge of an unexpected death on the part of the dream movie creators and senders. I only say "my coworker" at the time to protect their identity, but there is no doubt in my mind that it was a 3D of Mark Vega and that it was very very rare for this character to be in any of the dream movies I have ever been sent, in fact, to my memory, the only dream that a 3D of Vega was ever in. http://tedhuntington.com/vlog/2017/11/15/
3. I got sent a dream movie where I am driving a limo on ice around a Greek church parking lot I grew up near, in the dream my character misses hitting some kids, and the limo unnaturally comes to a stop before a snow bank. An hour before I was sent that dream movie a Greek young man shot and killed 10 people, news stories state that he danced with his Greek church group.
4. I was reminded about Bill Cosby on 6/17/21, 2 weeks before he was released on 6/30/21. Could be coincidence, but can't rule out secret tech. vlog20210617-105721
5. Got send a dream movie set in a mall, later that day a person shot and killed 3 people in a mall- could of course be coincidence, but seems like that would be a somewhat remote probability. Of all the settings to choose from (a room, a house I grew up in, a school, the woods, city streets, etc.), a mall was chosen. See vlogs on 7/7/2022